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Earth Day Shoes

Today is earth day! What are we supposed to do today? Let's look at the meaning first.

"Earth Day is a day that is supposed to inspire more awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. It takes place each year on April 22. It now takes place in more than 193 countries around the world." (Wikipedia)

Now, I have two suggestions.

1. Plant a tree along walking route.

Human have been cutting trees to make our life more comfortable even though we know it is not Eco-friendly. We need more trees on this planet and should be more Eco-friendly. Let's wear Miss Kyouko Shoes and walk outside to plant a tree. It could be backyard of your house.

2. Trade one day of driving for a day on foot.

Transportation always need resources from earth. Let's make small step to be Eco-friendly. So what to wear now? Miss Kyouko is foot friendly shoes for ladies.

Miss Kyouko want to be Eco-friendly, and also foot friendly :)

Hope you have a good day!

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